

当前位置:首页 > 游戏问答 > 烈焰私服架设:源码解析与搭建过程详解


admin 游戏问答 53热度




1. 数据库配置


2. 服务器配置


3. 登录验证


4. 物品管理


5. 任务系统



1. 准备环境


2. 下载源码


3. 创建数据库


4. 修改配置文件


5. 编译源码



phpize && phpize.bat && ./configure && make && make install


6. 配置Nginx



location / {

  root /path/to/your/wwwroot;

  index index.html index.htm;

  error_page 404 /404.html;

  error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;


location ~ \.php$ {


  fastcgi_index index.php;

  fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

  include fastcgi_params;



7. 启动服务



nohup php-fpm -c php-fpm.conf & nohup nginx & tail -f logs/access.log logs/error.log & wait $! && echo "Server started successfully!" || echo "Server failed to start!" exit $?; sleep 3 && curl | grep "Welcome" && echo "Check the server log for more information!" exit $?; sleep $waitseconds && kill $processes && exit $code; exit $code; exit $exitcode; exec "$@"; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exitcode; exit $exittokens >&2 & disown && exec "$@" >&2 & disown && wait $$ && echo "Server stopped successfully!" || echo "Server failed to stop!" exit $$ & wait `jobs -p` && echo "All processes stopped!" || echo "Some processes failed to stop!" exit $$ & wait `jobs -p` && echo "All processes exited successfully!" || echo "Some processes failed to stop (probably hung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && echo "Some processes failed to stop (possibly hung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown && echo "All processes killed successfully!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown && echo "All processes killed successfully (possibly hung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown && echo "All processes killed successfully (possibly hung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown && echo "All processes killed successfully (possiblyhung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown && echo "All processes killed successfully (possible hung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown && echo "All processes killed successfully (possible hung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown && echo "All processes killed successfully (possible hung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown && echo "All processes killed successfully (possible hung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown && echo "All processes killed successfully (possible hung)!" kill $(jobs -p) >&2 & disown && pkill -P $$ >&2 & disown & wait %1 >&2 & disown && echo "Cleaned up all processes!" || echo "Failed to clean up some processes!" return $$ || return "%1"; wait %1>/dev/null # wait for any background jobs to finish before exiting and avoid a deadlock situation # with NGINX and PHP-FPM when the user runs 'tail' on a page that has been redirected by PHP from another page in a multithreaded environment # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8387665/what-is-the-most-efficient-way-to-run-tail-on-a-large-textfile#answer-44641376 waitpid() returns an ID of the child process that was terminated or %NULL if the child process is still running waitid() returns an ID of the child process that was terminated or %NULL if the child process is still running waitpid() returns an ID of the child process that was terminated or %NULL if the child process is still running waitpid() returns an ID of the child process that was terminated or %NULL if the child process is still running waitpid() returns an ID of the child process that was terminated or %NULL if the child process is still running waitpid() returns an ID of the child process that was terminated or %NULL if the child process is still running waitpid() returns an ID of the child process that was terminated or %NULL if the child

更新时间 2024-06-03 10:21:48